Life on mars? Scientists say that Mars may have a group of organic molecules and carbon This is a basic element of life. This is a challenge to the belief that the red planet, the moon is lonely star empty.
When the Viking of the NASA landing and collected soil samples on Mars to investigate in the year 1976, scientists found no evidence of such molecules. Or life in any way that mean no life on mars.
After Phoenix mars lander has found substances Perchlorate. Which contains chlorine species in "Arctic" of Mars since 2008, scientists decided to investigate this again.
The team traveled to a desert Atacama in Chile. This is believed to have conditions similar to Mars. After bring Perchlorate mixed into soil and thermal burn. Team found that the gas is carbon dioxide. Visible traces of the substance chloromethane and dichloromethane. Similar to the gas as a result of chemical reactions after the Viking burned soil on Mars more than three decades ago.
Scientists found that Chemical reaction can destroy organic compounds in the soil until the end.
"We found that the soil at the landing of the both Viking may be having organic compounds and Perchlorate" Raphael Navaro-Gonzalez. University International Autonomus of Mexico City said.
However, the research team warned that Still too early to conclude that have life on mars. Chris Mackay of a NASA Ames Research Center in California, says that organic matter may come from biological sources. Or may be from any meteorite. Perchlorate, the ions of chlorine and oxygen may have been on Mars for billions of years. And appears only when it is burned. This will destroy the organic matter in soil.
When scientists review the data from the Viking. They understood that the organic compounds containing chlorine that is contaminated by cleaning of the vehicle.
Not exactly. Organic molecules that is what exists on Mars, but that was attached to the meteorite. Next year, NASA will start planning to send a robotic Qrioscity to search for organic compounds on the mars. Life on mars must be waiting to continue proving.
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